Código fonte para asyncworker.easyqueue.queue

import abc
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import traceback
from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop, Task
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import wraps
from ssl import SSLContext
from typing import (

from aioamqp.channel import Channel
from aioamqp.envelope import Envelope
from aioamqp.properties import Properties

from asyncworker.conf import settings
from asyncworker.easyqueue.connection import AMQPConnection
from asyncworker.easyqueue.exceptions import UndecodableMessageException
from asyncworker.easyqueue.message import AMQPMessage

[documentos]class DeliveryModes: NON_PERSISTENT = 1 PERSISTENT = 2
[documentos]class ConnType(Enum): CONSUME = auto() WRITE = auto()
[documentos]class BaseQueue(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__( self, host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = settings.AMQP_DEFAULT_PORT, ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None, verify_ssl: bool = True, virtual_host: str = "/", heartbeat: int = 60, ) -> None: self.host = host self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port self.ssl = ssl self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.heartbeat = heartbeat
[documentos] @abc.abstractmethod def serialize(self, body: Any, **kwargs) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[documentos] @abc.abstractmethod def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError
def _parse_message(self, content) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets the raw message body as an input, handles deserialization and outputs :param content: The raw message body """ try: return self.deserialize(content) except TypeError: return self.deserialize(content.decode()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: raise UndecodableMessageException( '"{content}" can\'t be decoded as JSON'.format(content=content) )
[documentos]class BaseJsonQueue(BaseQueue): content_type = "application/json"
[documentos] def serialize(self, body: Any, **kwargs) -> str: return json.dumps(body, **kwargs)
[documentos] def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> Any: return json.loads(body.decode())
def _ensure_conn_is_ready(conn_type: ConnType): def _ensure_connected(coro: Callable[..., Coroutine]): @wraps(coro) async def wrapper(self: "JsonQueue", *args, **kwargs): conn = self.conn_types[conn_type] retries = 0 while self.is_running and not conn.has_channel_ready(): try: await conn._connect() break except Exception as e: await asyncio.sleep(self.seconds_between_conn_retry) retries += 1 if self.connection_fail_callback: await self.connection_fail_callback(e, retries) if self.logger: self.logger.error( { "event": "reconnect-failure", "retry_count": retries, "exc_traceback": traceback.format_tb( e.__traceback__ ), } ) return await coro(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return _ensure_connected T = TypeVar("T") class _ConsumptionHandler: def __init__( self, delegate: "QueueConsumerDelegate", queue: "JsonQueue", queue_name: str, ) -> None: self.delegate = delegate self.queue = queue self.loop = queue.loop self.queue_name = queue_name self.consumer_tag: Optional[str] = None async def _handle_callback(self, callback, **kwargs): """ Chains the callback coroutine into a try/except and calls `on_message_handle_error` in case of failure, avoiding unhandled exceptions. :param callback: :param kwargs: :return: """ try: return await callback(**kwargs) except Exception as e: return await self.delegate.on_message_handle_error( handler_error=e, **kwargs ) async def handle_message( self, channel: Channel, body: bytes, envelope: Envelope, properties: Properties, ) -> Task: msg = AMQPMessage( connection=self.queue.connection, channel=channel, queue=self.queue, envelope=envelope, properties=properties, delivery_tag=envelope.delivery_tag, deserialization_method=self.queue.deserialize, queue_name=self.queue_name, serialized_data=body, ) callback = self._handle_callback( self.delegate.on_queue_message, msg=msg # type: ignore ) return self.loop.create_task(callback)
[documentos]class JsonQueue(BaseQueue, Generic[T]): _transport: Optional[asyncio.BaseTransport] def __init__( self, host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = settings.AMQP_DEFAULT_PORT, ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None, verify_ssl: bool = True, delegate_class: Optional[Type["QueueConsumerDelegate"]] = None, delegate: Optional["QueueConsumerDelegate"] = None, virtual_host: str = "/", heartbeat: int = 60, prefetch_count: int = 100, loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None, seconds_between_conn_retry: int = 1, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, connection_fail_callback: Optional[ Callable[[Exception, int], Coroutine] ] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( host=host, username=username, password=password, port=port, ssl=ssl, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, virtual_host=virtual_host, heartbeat=heartbeat, ) self.loop: AbstractEventLoop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() if delegate is not None and delegate_class is not None: raise ValueError("Cant provide both delegate and delegate_class") if delegate_class is not None: self.delegate = delegate_class() else: self.delegate = delegate # type: ignore self.prefetch_count = prefetch_count on_error = self.delegate.on_connection_error if self.delegate else None self.connection = AMQPConnection( host=host, username=username, password=password, port=port, ssl=ssl, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, virtual_host=virtual_host, heartbeat=heartbeat, on_error=on_error, loop=self.loop, ) self._write_connection = AMQPConnection( host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, username=username, password=password, virtual_host=virtual_host, heartbeat=heartbeat, on_error=on_error, loop=self.loop, ) self.conn_types = { ConnType.CONSUME: self.connection, ConnType.WRITE: self._write_connection, } self.seconds_between_conn_retry = seconds_between_conn_retry self.is_running = True self.logger = logger self.connection_fail_callback = connection_fail_callback
[documentos] def serialize(self, body: T, **kwargs) -> str: return json.dumps(body, **kwargs)
[documentos] def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> T: return json.loads(body.decode())
[documentos] def conn_for(self, type: ConnType) -> AMQPConnection: return self.conn_types[type]
[documentos] @_ensure_conn_is_ready(ConnType.WRITE) async def put( self, routing_key: str, data: Any = None, serialized_data: Union[str, bytes] = "", exchange: str = "", properties: Optional[dict] = None, mandatory: bool = False, immediate: bool = False, ): """ :param data: A serializable data that should be serialized before publishing :param serialized_data: A payload to be published as is :param exchange: The exchange to publish the message :param routing_key: The routing key to publish the message """ if data and serialized_data: raise ValueError("Only one of data or json should be specified") if data: serialized_data = self.serialize(data, ensure_ascii=False) if not isinstance(serialized_data, bytes): serialized_data = serialized_data.encode() return await self._write_connection.channel.publish( payload=serialized_data, exchange_name=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, properties=properties, mandatory=mandatory, immediate=immediate, )
[documentos] @_ensure_conn_is_ready(ConnType.CONSUME) async def consume( self, queue_name: str, delegate: "QueueConsumerDelegate", consumer_name: str = "", ) -> str: """ Connects the client if needed and starts queue consumption, sending `on_before_start_consumption` and `on_consumption_start` notifications to the delegate object :param queue_name: queue name to consume from :param consumer_name: An optional name to be used as a consumer identifier. If one isn't provided, a random one is generated by the broker :return: The consumer tag. Useful for cancelling/stopping consumption """ # todo: Implement a consumer tag generator handler = _ConsumptionHandler( delegate=delegate, queue=self, queue_name=queue_name ) await delegate.on_before_start_consumption( queue_name=queue_name, queue=self ) await self.connection.channel.basic_qos( prefetch_count=self.prefetch_count, prefetch_size=0, connection_global=False, ) tag = await self.connection.channel.basic_consume( callback=handler.handle_message, consumer_tag=consumer_name, queue_name=queue_name, ) consumer_tag = tag["consumer_tag"] await delegate.on_consumption_start( consumer_tag=consumer_tag, queue=self ) handler.consumer_tag = consumer_tag return consumer_tag
[documentos]class QueueConsumerDelegate(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
[documentos] async def on_before_start_consumption( self, queue_name: str, queue: JsonQueue ): """ Coroutine called before queue consumption starts. May be overwritten to implement further custom initialization. :param queue_name: Queue name that will be consumed :type queue_name: str :param queue: AsynQueue instanced :type queue: JsonQueue """ pass
[documentos] async def on_consumption_start(self, consumer_tag: str, queue: JsonQueue): """ Coroutine called once consumption started. """
[documentos] @abc.abstractmethod async def on_queue_message(self, msg: AMQPMessage[Any]): """ Callback called every time that a new, valid and deserialized message is ready to be handled. :param msg: the consumed message """ raise NotImplementedError
[documentos] async def on_message_handle_error(self, handler_error: Exception, **kwargs): """ Callback called when an uncaught exception was raised during message handling stage. :param handler_error: The exception that triggered :param kwargs: arguments used to call the coroutine that handled the message :return: """ pass
[documentos] async def on_connection_error(self, exception: Exception): """ Called when the connection fails """ pass