Código fonte para asyncworker.easyqueue.connection

import asyncio
from ssl import SSLContext
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Optional, Union

import aioamqp
from aioamqp import AmqpProtocol
from aioamqp.channel import Channel
from aioamqp.exceptions import AioamqpException
from aioamqp.protocol import OPEN

from asyncworker.conf import settings

OnErrorCallback = Union[
    None, Callable[[Exception], None], Callable[[Exception], Coroutine]

[documentos]class AMQPConnection: def __init__( self, host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = settings.AMQP_DEFAULT_PORT, ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None, verify_ssl: bool = True, heartbeat: int = 60, virtual_host: str = "/", loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, on_error: OnErrorCallback = None, ) -> None: self.host = host self.port = port self.ssl = ssl self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl self.username = username self.password = password self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.heartbeat = heartbeat self.loop = loop self._on_error = on_error self._connection_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.channel: Channel = None self._transport: Optional[asyncio.BaseTransport] = None self._protocol: AmqpProtocol = None @property def connection_parameters(self): return { "host": self.host, "port": self.port, "ssl": self.ssl, "verify_ssl": self.verify_ssl, "login": self.username, "password": self.password, "virtualhost": self.virtual_host, "loop": self.loop, "on_error": self._on_error, "heartbeat": self.heartbeat, } @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: procotol_ok = self._protocol and self._protocol.state == OPEN return procotol_ok
[documentos] def has_channel_ready(self): channel_ok = self.channel and self.channel.is_open return channel_ok
[documentos] async def close(self) -> None: if not self.is_connected: return None await self._protocol.close() self._transport.close() # type: ignore
async def _connect(self) -> None: async with self._connection_lock: if self.is_connected and self.has_channel_ready(): return try: if self._protocol: self.channel = await self._protocol.channel() return except AioamqpException as e: # Se não conseguirmos pegar um channel novo # a conexão atual deve mesmo ser renovada e isso # será feito logo abaixo. pass conn = await aioamqp.connect(**self.connection_parameters) self._transport, self._protocol = conn self.channel = await self._protocol.channel()