
A simple, featureful, drop-in replacement to the default aiologger.Logger that grants to always log valid, single line, JSON output.

It logs everything

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime

from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers()
    await logger.info("Im a string")
    # {"logged_at": "2018-06-14T09:34:56.482817", "line_number": 9, "function": "main", "level": "INFO", "file_path": "/Users/diogo.mmartins/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2018.1/scratches/scratch_47.py", "msg": "Im a string"}

    await logger.info({
        'date_objects': datetime.now(),
        'exceptions': KeyError("Boooom"),
        'types': JsonLogger
    # {"logged_at": "2018-06-14T09:34:56.483000", "line_number": 13, "function": "main", "level": "INFO", "file_path": "/Users/diogo.mmartins/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2018.1/scratches/scratch_47.py", "msg": {"date_objects": "2018-06-14T09:34:56.482953", "exceptions": "Exception: KeyError('Boooom',)", "types": "<JsonLogger aiologger-json (DEBUG)>"}}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Logging callables with CallableWrapper

Callable[[], str] log values may also be used to generate dynamic content that are evaluated at serialization time. All you need to do is wrap the callable using CallableWrapper:

import asyncio
import logging
from random import randint

from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger
from aiologger.utils import CallableWrapper

def rand():
    return randint(1, 100)

logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG)

async def main():

    await logger.info(CallableWrapper(rand))
    # {"logged_at": "2018-06-14T09:37:52.624123", "line_number": 15, "function": "main", "level": "INFO", "file_path": "/Users/diogo.mmartins/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2018.1/scratches/scratch_47.py", "msg": 70}

    await logger.info({"Xablau": CallableWrapper(rand)})
    # {"logged_at": "2018-06-14T09:37:52.624305", "line_number": 18, "function": "main", "level": "INFO", "file_path": "/Users/diogo.mmartins/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2018.1/scratches/scratch_47.py", "msg": {"Xablau": 29}}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Adding content to root

By default, everything passed to the log methods is inserted inside the msg root attribute, but sometimes we want to add content to the root level.


This behavior may be achieved using flatten. Which is available both as a method parameter and instance attribute.

As an instance attribute, every call to a log method would “flat” the dict attributes.

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG, flatten=True)

    await logger.info({"status_code": 200, "response_time": 0.00534534})
    # {"status_code": 200, "response_time": 0.534534, "logged_at": "2017-08-11T16:18:58.446985", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.error({"status_code": 404, "response_time": 0.00134534})
    # {"status_code": 200, "response_time": 0.534534, "logged_at": "2017-08-11T16:18:58.446986", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

As a method parameter, only the specific call would add the content to the root.

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = await JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG)

    await logger.info({"status_code": 200, "response_time": 0.00534534}, flatten=True)
    # {"logged_at": "2017-08-11T16:23:16.312441", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py", "status_code": 200, "response_time": 0.00534534}

    await logger.error({"status_code": 404, "response_time": 0.00134534})
    # {"logged_at": "2017-08-11T16:23:16.312618", "line_number": 8, "function": "<module>", "level": "ERROR", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py", "msg": {"status_code": 404, "response_time": 0.00134534}}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Warning: It is possible to overwrite keys that are already present at root level.

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG)

    await logger.info({'logged_at': 'Yesterday'}, flatten=True)
    # {"logged_at": "Yesterday", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


The extra parameter allow you to add specific content to root:

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    a = 69
    b = 666
    c = [a, b]
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG)

    await logger.info("I'm a simple log")
    # {"msg": "I'm a simple log", "logged_at": "2017-08-11T12:21:05.722216", "line_number": 5, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.info({"dog": "Xablau"}, extra=locals())
    # {"logged_at": "2018-06-14T09:47:29.477705", "line_number": 14, "function": "main", "level": "INFO", "file_path": "/Users/diogo.mmartins/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2018.1/scratches/scratch_47.py", "msg": {"dog": "Xablau"}, "logger": "<JsonLogger aiologger-json (DEBUG)>", "c": [69, 666], "b": 666, "a": 69}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

It also allows you to override the default root content:

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG)

    await logger.info("I'm a simple log")
    # {"msg": "I'm a simple log", "logged_at": "2017-08-11T12:21:05.722216", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.info("I'm a simple log", extra={'logged_at': 'Yesterday'})
    # {"msg": "I'm a simple log", "logged_at": "Yesterday", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

and it may also be used as an instance attribute:

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(level=logging.DEBUG, extra={'logged_at': 'Yesterday'})

    await logger.info("I'm a simple log")
    # {"msg": "I'm a simple log", "logged_at": "Yesterday", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.info("I'm a simple log")
    # {"msg": "I'm a simple log", "logged_at": "Yesterday", "line_number": 6, "function": "<module>", "level": "INFO", "path": "/Users/diogo/PycharmProjects/aiologger/bla.py"}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Exclude default logger fields

If you think that the default fields are too much, it’s also possible to exclude fields from the output message.

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger
from aiologger.formatters.json import FUNCTION_NAME_FIELDNAME, LOGGED_AT_FIELDNAME

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(

    await logger.info("Function, file path and line number wont be printed")
    # {"level": "INFO", "msg": "Function, file path and line number wont be printed"}

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Serializer options

serializer_kwargs is available both as instance attribute and as a log method parameter and may be used to pass keyword arguments to the serializer function. (See more: https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html)

For pretty printing the output, you may use the indent kwarg. Ex.:

import asyncio
import logging
from aiologger.loggers.json import JsonLogger

async def main():
    logger = JsonLogger.with_default_handlers(
        serializer_kwargs={'indent': 4}

    await logger.info({
        "artist": "Black Country Communion",
        "song": "Cold"

    await logger.shutdown()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Would result in a pretty indented output:

    "logged_at": "2017-08-11T21:04:21.559070",
    "line_number": 5,
    "function": "<module>",
    "level": "INFO",
    "file_path": "/Users/diogo/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2017.1/scratches/scratch_32.py",
    "msg": {
        "artist": "Black Country Communion",
        "song": "Cold"

The same result can be achieved making a log call with serializer_kwargs as a parameter.

await logger.warning({'artist': 'Black Country Communion', 'song': 'Cold'}, serializer_kwargs={'indent': 4})